Lowercase Of Object Value In Array With Underscore Js
Let's say I have this JSON data in a data variable [{'id':'1','module_id':'1','title':'Test', 'start_date':'2012-11-12' 'end_date':'2012-11-18'}, {'id':'8','module_id':'1','titl
Solution 1:
You can do this easily with Lo Dash's _.mapValues
_.mapValues(objs, function(s){
return _.isString(s) ? s.toLowerCase() : s;
Solution 2:
If you're already dealing with an object (or parsed JSON), you can loop and create a new one:
var objs = [{"id":"1","module_id":"1","title":"Test", "start_date":"2012-11-12", "end_date":"2012-11-18"},{"id":"8","module_id":"1","title":"This is OK", "start_date":"2013-01-14","end_date":"2013-01-31"}];
varout = [];
for(var i=0; i<objs.length; i++) {
var outObj = {}
for(var prop in objs[i]) {
varval = objs[i][prop];
if(prop === 'title') {
val = val.toLowerCase();
outObj[prop] = val;
Solution 3:
If you have array
of objects:
for(var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
for (var prop in array[i])
// condition herearray[i][prop] = array[i][prop].toLowerCase();
Same with underscore (I don't think it's much shorter - you still need two loops here. More readable - maybe, but not shorter)
_.each(array, function(obj) {
_.each(obj, function(value, key) {
// condition here
obj[key] = value.toLowerCase();
Solution 4:
You can separate the object in two arrays, one with the keys and the other with the values, then use _.map to lowercase the strings.
var objs = [{"id":"1","module_id":"1","title":"Test", "start_date":"2012-11-12", "end_date":"2012-11-18"},{"id":"8","module_id":"1","title":"This is OK", "start_date":"2013-01-14","end_date":"2013-01-31"}];
_.map(objs,function(element) {
return _.object(_.keys(element), _.values(element).map(function(value) {
return _.isString(value)? value.toLowerCase():value;
you see, I'm checking if it's a string we're dealing with, to avoid calling toLowerCase on other types.
Lowercasing both keys and values is trivial as well
_.map(objs,function(element) {
return _.object(
_.keys(element).map(function(key) {
return _.isString(key)? key.toLowerCase():key;
_.values(element).map(function(value) {
return _.isString(value)? value.toLowerCase():value;
Caveat: this will not operate on nested objects. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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