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Why Does The || (or) And && (and) Operator In Javascript Behave Differently Than In C (returning Non Boolean Value)?

Consider the following code. As you can see, the first expression, 'All' && 1, evaluates to 1. Which is surely not a boolean value (not a true). I expected here more speci

Solution 1:

The logical operators in C always evaluate to boolean values. In C, the int 1 represents true and the int 0 represents false. That's the reason why both the expressions, "All" && 1 and "All" || 1, evaluate to 1. Both of them are logically true. For clarification, consider the following program.

#include<stdio.h>intmain() {
    printf("%d\n", 20 && 10); // 1printf("%d\n", 20 || 10); // 1return0;

In the above program, the expressions 20 && 10 and 20 || 10 still evaluate to 1 even though there is no 1 in those expressions. This makes sense because both those expressions are logically true. Hence, they evaluate to 1 which is equivalent to true in JavaScript.

If JavaScript behaved the way C did then the expressions "All" && 10 and "All" || 10 would evaluate to the boolean value true. However, that's not the way the logical operators behave in JavaScript. That's not to say that they are buggy.

Values in JavaScript have a notion of truthiness and falsity. For example, the values true, "All", 10, [10, 20], { foo: 10 }, and x => 2 * x are all truthy. On the other hand, the values false, "", 0, undefined, and null are falsy.

The logical operators of JavaScript don't always evaluate to boolean values like C does. Instead, they evaluate to one of their operands. The && operator evaluates to its left operand if it's falsy. Otherwise, it evaluates to the right operand. Similarly, the || operator evaluates to its left operand if it's truthy. Otherwise, it evaluates to the right operand.

Now, the value "All" is truthy. Hence, "All" && 1 evaluates to the right operand (i.e. 1) whereas "All" || 1 evaluates to the left operand (i.e. "All"). Notice that both 1 and "All" are truthy values, which means that they are equivalent to 1 (which represents truthiness) in C.

Hence, no. JavaScript is not buggy.

Solution 2:

I quote here from official doc :- Logical AND in JS

The logical AND (&&) operator (logical conjunction) for a set of operands is true if and only if all of its operands are true. It is typically used with Boolean (logical) values. When it is, it returns a Boolean value. However, the && operator actually returns the value of one of the specified operands, so if this operator is used with non-Boolean values, it will return a non-Boolean value.

Let's take some examples,

let a = [1,2,3];
console.log( 0 && a.b ); // return 0console.log( 1 && a.b ); // return a type error.

In first console.log when JavaScript see 0 at first, JS interpreter stop and return first value.

This is happening because when JS interpreter translate first value to boolean, it evaluated to false. We know the fact that "on any && operator if a single value is false, it will return false.

So JS interpreter here try to save some computation power by returning before, without full statement evaluation. Which is great.

The same is truth for LOGICAL OR (||) operator.

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