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Syntaxerror: Identifier Starts Immediately After Numeric Literal In Firebug

I'm getting that error when I call this javascript function: function kickUser(id_userChat){ $.post('chatFuncs.php', { action: 'kick', id_user: id_userChat }); } this 'kickUser'

Solution 1:

Identifiers in JavaScript can't begin with a number; they must begin with a letter, $ or _.

I'm guessing it's coming from this:


If you mean to pass a string, then you need to quote the value being passed.


I don't know PHP, so maybe you need different escaping, but this should give you the idea.

Solution 2:

The resulting JavaScript code will be


…and obviously there is no js variable userName. You want to pass a string instead:


So add the quotes/apostrophes to the output, and don't forget to escape the $rowUsers['userName'] properly. It's quite the same for $rowUsers['id_user'], which seems to have output even an invalid identifier.

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