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Word Limits On Multiple Text Areas

I am creating a website with four textarea forms. Each form has a word limit. textarea1: 250 word limit textarea2: 500 word limit textarea3: 500 word limit textarea4: 250 word li

Solution 1:

Add an extra parameter to your function, and send it the maxWords from each function call:

functioncheck_length(obj, cnt, rem, maxwords)
//... rest of the function would stay the same

and when you call it, include the max words

<textareaname="Message 2"onkeypress="
 return check_length(this,
 document.getElementById('remaining2'), 250);"></textarea>
Word count: <spanid="count2">0</span>&nbsp;
Words remaining: <spanid="remaining2">500</span>

To remove the words remaining,

function check_length(obj, cnt, maxwords)
    var ary = obj.value.split(" "); // doubled spaces will throw this offvarlen = ary.length;
    cnt.innerHTML = len;

    if (len > maxwords) {
        alert("Message in '" + + "' limited to " + maxwords + " words.");
        ary = ary.slice(0,maxwords-1);
        obj.value = ary.join(" "); // truncate additional words
        cnt.innerHTML = maxwords;

and in your HTML,

<textareaname="Message 1"onkeypress="
return check_length(this,
Word count: <spanid="count1">0</span>&nbsp;

Solution 2:

insert a class attribute for those textareas, (like class='area250', class='area500' and so on) then include an if statement in the function

functioncheck_length(obj, cnt, rem)
        else .......................................


Solution 3:

The problem with your function is that you're always checking the amount of words inserted against maxwords variable (which is set to 250 words as the first textarea limit)

so a better attempt is to pass an extra parameter to the function with the original limit (different for each textarea)

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