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Reading Multiple Xml Attributes With Qml

I've got and XML String in javascript (qml). My goal is to filter informations regarding different lines. I want an object containing the line name ( attribute) and especially the

Solution 1:

After searching and playing 2 days through, I got it. I hope this won't bother anyone anymore. There are 2 possible ways I found:

1 loopy loop

Or up the DomTree (number 1 in the org. question):

This side was what I was looking for the whole time. It is bad documented (like everything I found about qml/qt), but has the one property one needs to read the attribute fields: attributes (note the typo in the link). It is an array of the attributes, so attributes[1].name is the name of the second att.

Thereafter I just need an easy way to climb the tree, which is described in the org. question.

2 XmlListModels

Since there is a depature count, one can fetch all these counts and then somehow fiddle together the countdowns (all in a list) and the respective lines (with the info how many counts for a line).

This is now just number 2, since if you don't got a hint how many attributes per node, this won't work. The order would go lost.

XmlListModel {
    id: lineXmlModel
    query: "/ft/response/monitor/lines/line"
    onStatusChanged: {
        if (status === 1) {
            console.debug("lineModel has: "+count+" items");
            for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                lineListModel.append({"line": get(i).line});// , "depaturesCount": parseFloat(get(i).depaturesCount) });
    // name = variable name, query fetches the data with XPATH
    XmlRole { name: "line"; query: "@name/string()" }
} // xmlModel

XmlListModel {
    id: depatureCountXmlModel
    query: "/ft/response/monitor/lines/line/departures"
    onStatusChanged: {
        if (status === 1) {
            console.debug("departureCountModel has: "+count+" items");
            for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                lineListModel.append({"line": get(i).line, "depatureCount": parseFloat(get(i).depaturesCount) });

    XmlRole { name: "depatureCount"; query: "@count/number()" }
} // xmlModel

XmlListModel {
    id: countdownXmlModel
    query: "/ft/response/monitor/lines/line/departures/departure/departureTime"
    onStatusChanged: {
        if (status === 1 && lineXmlModel.status === 1 && depatureCountXmlModel.status === 1) {
            console.debug("CountdownModel has: "+count+" items");
            for (var i = 0; i < lineXmlModel.count; i++) {
                console.debug("Line: "+ lineXmlModel.get(i).name + " number of depatures "+ depatureCountXmlModel.get(i).depatureCount );
                // console.debug("countdown "+ parseFloat(get(i).countdown) );// lineListModel.append({"countdown": parseFloat(get(i).countdown) });
    XmlRole { name: "countdown"; query: "@countdown/number()" }

Solution 2:

Hi I do not know if that solves your problem. But I had similar problem and sovled it (related to your problem) like this. `

import QtQuick 2.0 
import QtQuick.XmlListModel 2.0

  width: 300;
  height: 400; 

  spacing: 10 

  model: XmlListModel 
    xml: '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><ft><response><clientdevice=""appName=""clientId="123"appVersion=""/><responseType>api_get_monitor</responseType><responseTime>2011-05-31 14:41:13</responseTime><monitorid="36469"clientexpiration=""><linescount="24"><linename="U1"type="ptMetro"towards="Leopoldau"direction="H"platform="U1_H"barrierFree="1"realtimeSupported="1"><departurescount="2"><departure><departureTimedelay="1"countdown="3"/></departure><departure><departureTimedelay="2"countdown="6"/></departure><firstDeparture><departureTimedelay="3"countdown="99"/></firstDeparture><lastDeparture><departureTimedelay="4"countdown="98"/></lastDeparture></departures></line></lines></monitor><trafficInfos/><messagemessageCode="1">ok</message></response></ft>'; 


    XmlRole { name:"delay" ; query: "departureTime/@delay/number()" } 
    XmlRole { name:"countdown" ; query: "departureTime/@countdown/number()" } 


    color: "pink"; 
    height: col.height
    id: col 
    Text{ text: countdown } 
    Text{ text: delay } 

}// listView `

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