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Convert Date Object In Dd/mm/yyyy Hh:mm:ss Format

I have a datetime object and its value is as follows 2017-03-16T17:46:53.677 Can someone please let me know how to convert this to dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss format I googled a lott and

Solution 1:

You can fully format the string as mentioned in other posts. But I think your better off using the locale functions in the date object?

var d = newDate("2017-03-16T17:46:53.677"); 
console.log( d.toLocaleString() ); 

edit :

ISO 8601 ( the format you are constructing with ) states the time zone is appended at the end with a [{+|-}hh][:mm] at the end of the string.

so you could do this :

var tzOffset = "+07:00"var d = newDate("2017-03-16T17:46:53.677"+ tzOffset);
var d = newDate("2017-03-16T17:46:53.677"); //  assumes local time. console.log(d.toLocaleString());
var d = newDate("2017-03-16T17:46:53.677Z"); // UTC timeconsole.log(d.toLocaleString());

edit :

Just so you know the locale function displays the date and time in the manner of the users language and location. European date is dd/mm/yyyy and US is mm/dd/yyyy.

var d = newDate("2017-03-16T17:46:53.677");

Solution 2:

Here we go:

var today = newDate();
var day = today.getDate() + "";
var month = (today.getMonth() + 1) + "";
var year = today.getFullYear() + "";
var hour = today.getHours() + "";
var minutes = today.getMinutes() + "";
var seconds = today.getSeconds() + "";

day = checkZero(day);
month = checkZero(month);
year = checkZero(year);
hour = checkZero(hour);
minutes = checkZero(minutes);
seconds = checkZero(seconds);

console.log(day + "/" + month + "/" + year + " " + hour + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds);

  if(data.length == 1){
    data = "0" + data;
  return data;

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